Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Academic Career

My day, the short version:

The very long version: (Note: I was going to draw pictures to seperate paragraphs but I am to tired so I'm going to use random pictures I found on the internet today)

I’ve never had a normal semester where everything goes exactly as it should. I don’t believe that actually happens. However it seems that recently I accidentally opened the setting on the universe and switched the difficulty level to extreme and can’t find it again to turn it back down.

Around a year and a half ago, during the summer I was staying at my parents for the summer as I started moving out of the dorms and into my apartment. During this time I began to have a series of panic attacks that only ever hit right before I would go to bed. This became a problem. So I went to the doctor and he put me on some daily anti-depressants. Soon the attacks went away and all was well. Till I moved into my apartment and started school again.

Now I once this happened unbeknownst to me I stopped having panic attacks and my brain chemistry returned to normal. HOWEVER if that happens and you are no longer suffering from anxiety and depression but you keep taking the medication like you are told to, it causes PROBLEMS. Brain refused to think properly, weeks of extended lethargy, and profound lack of focus of any kind. Made doing homework and going to class ummm… difficult. Especially as I had just moved a mile and a half away from campus with out a car.

On top of that it took nearly half the semester for my financial aid to finally go through and for half the semester I wasn’t even certain I would last till the end of the semester. A little after midterm I realized what was happening and I stopped taking the medication and tried to fix as much as I could but it was already too late and the damage was already done.

So I did BAD that semester. Like, REALLY REALLY, bad. Like, 0.00 gpa, bad. Not my proudest moment. Kinda kicks my pride in its massive nuts to even admit to the badness and stupidity on my part. But there it is.

So after that semester I got put on financial probation, basically the withhold the money the state is giving to you. Be that grants and scholarships or straight up loans from a bank.

That semester I did what I could and tried to pull my life back up out of the shit I found it in once I got of the meds. I did pretty well, but not necessarily stellar. I got all 15 hours I attempted and considering 1 of the classes was a 700 level class generally given to grad students I was feeling pretty alright.

After about a month of looking for summer work and stuff my parents got a letter informing them that I was academically dismissed from my school. WATTA TWIST! AMIRITE?

Apparently I had not done good enough and that I had to take a semester off and apply for reinstatement in the spring.

They also heavily suggested I apply to the local community college for a semester. So I did that. Which worked out ok, got a lot of general education requirements out of the way for pretty cheap. Allowed me to take some loan money and do some travlin to hang out with some(an) awesome people. Since all that shit was hella easy I did GREAT. Still not deans list, but still pretty great.

So I started on the arduous task of getting reinstated.

In order to do this, you need to fill out and petition of reinstatement. Which requires you to write what the deal is, why you want to come back, and your grades from schools you’ve attended since AND have your old university advisor to write a letter saying whether or not they thought you should be allowed back in or not. So I had to wait till after my grades were posted (after winter break started). And even though I turned my half in on the 3rd of the new year, literally the first day the offices opened, and event though I gave my adviser her half of the application before the winter break, I was just reinstated YESTERDAY.

Now guess who found out today?

Yeeeeaaah. After I ran around all day today getting signatures from every professor I taking this semester, and getting enrolled and stuff getting taken care of I found out that if I didn’t get nearly $700 by today or $725 by next Wednesday and then $600 by friday I would be dropped and all this would have been for naught.

So off I skipped to the happiest place on earth, known as the financial aid department!

Turns out I’m still on financial aid suspension! And the committee that reviews the application for repealing that wont meet again till may 5th! Sooooooooooooooooo………. Yeeeeaaaaah…. I basically have to find someway to come up with $725 by next Wednesday and $1500 more in installments starting next Friday or get a non-student loan and hope they approve my appeals application so I can pay the loan off in May. So that’s where I’m at the moment. But that being said I am being optimistic.

Best case I get the non-student loan and get it paid off immediately and improve my credit score like a boss and kick ass this semester. Worse case scenario I take a semester off and get a real person job till I can get back in the Fall. Which isn’t the end of the world and would probably let me do even more travel and buy more art supplies.

But that’s the deal. I’ve got at least 4 more years of this bullshit. T___T